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5 Steps to Elevate Your Frequency with Jasmine Shea – Podcast Episode 12

Welcome back! In this week’s podcast, we will be speaking to one of my American friends to discuss…  I have wanted Jasmine on my podcast because she is the most positive person I have ever come across and I was inspired to share her positivity with you guys.   Jasmine used...
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Living in COVID-19 – 5 Wellness Steps to Follow! – Podcast Episode 12

Right now, as we all start to social distance and lock down to stay safe, life seems crazier and more stressful than usual. It is very overwhelming from both health and financial perspectives. It seems that there is so much uncertainty with very little control over what is happening. Now more...
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The Importance of Wellness in Leadership with Midja Fisher - Podcast Episode 11

This week Caralee speaks with lawyer and leadership expert Midja Fisher on the importance of wellness in leadership and leading by example.   Midja has spent 20+ years in the corporate world as a legal partner of an ASX listed national law firm and as a learning and development specialist....
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Letting Go Of What You Can’t Control, And Focusing On What You Can. – Podcast Episode 9

The podcast today is focusing on wellness in our lives for success. It is so important to prioritise ourselves because without wellness we are not going to live well! Today I am going to chat about something so important and something that often comes up in times of stress. Often, we as humans...
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The Power of 20-Minutes Per Day – Podcast Episode 8

This episode I am talking all about the power of 20-minutes per day! This episode is going to really blow your mind as I figured out that 20-minutes out of every day for a year is equivalent to 1 week! One whole week!  I found this statistic so crazy as there are so many things I do with the...
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Creating Healthy Boundaries to Protect Your Well-Being – Podcast Episode 7

Have you ever felt exhausted, overwhelmed, and quite literally, just over it? I think that it is safe to say that we have all experienced feeling this way from time to time in our lives. It gets to a point that you just want to let loose, drop a massive ‘F’ bomb or simply scream...
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Self-Limiting Beliefs, You Didn’t Know You Had – Podcast Episode 6

Whether we realise it or not, we all have beliefs and some of these beliefs are limiting us from our full potential or from the life that we dream of.   Have you ever wondered why you cannot seem to achieve what you want or why you just can’t get started on...
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How To Show Up As The Best Version of Yourself – Podcast Episode 5

Today on the podcast we are talking about how to show up as your best self, for yourself. Often, we go through life in this haze of busyness where we are just stepping through the motions and all the things that we have to do, we just do. We are not really showing up and being our best version of...
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Work Smarter, Not Harder – Podcast Episode 3

We often hear about working smarter and not harder, but what does it mean to do that? I had a discussion about this with one of my team members and she was challenged by this idea, because she had SO much to do.  When we have so much to do and not enough hours in the day, how do we work...
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Five Ways to Boost Your Self Care & Mental Well-being – Podcast Ep 2

5 WAYS TO BOOST YOUR SELF-CARE & MENTAL WELL-BEING Often, we don’t think about our mental well-being as we get on with our busy lives. However, it is super important that we take initiative and give this aspect of our lives the time it deserves. It is important...
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