The $250K Mistake I Made In My Law Firm - (EP 95)

This week on the podcast, Caralee dives into how to avoid making the same mistakes she did in her law firm, which was a $250,000.00 mistake. Running Collective Family Law for ten years and being a part of the business for fourteen years, Caralee has made plenty of mistakes, but this one is an expensive learning curve that other business owners can avoid if they have their whits about them.
When Caralee took over the firm, it was a shambles, dabbling in many fields of law in the hope of reliable cash flow, taking on any client or matter that came through the door and there were no systems or billing practices. When Caralee became the Principal of Collective Family Law, she cleaned it all up and specialised the firm to be only Family Law, leading to a niche market and more cash flow. It is a common misconception that people think the more you offer, the more money you make, which is not always true. Caralee shares her mistakes openly on this podcast so that you don’t have to make them! To find out the mistakes Caralee made, which eventually cost her $250,000.00 - listen to the podcast! If you found this podcast episode to be extra informative, you will LOVE the Scalable Business Lounge. Caralee has built the lounge to focus on your learning without the fall and scale without the mistakes! With the support from Law Firm owners from different fields, experiences and countries, there is so much to be gained! To find out more, click here! CONNECT WITH Caralee:
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