The 4 Things You Should Be Doing Before EOFY In Your Law Firm (Ep 98)

The 4 Things You Should Be Doing Before EOFY In Your Law Firm (Ep 98)

Season #1

It is only six weeks until the end of the financial year, so today on the podcast Caralee discusses the four things that you should be doing in your law firm between now and then to get your firm in the best position for the new financial year. 


You will learn what you need to do in your firm to make this EOFY happen and how you prepare to make 2022-2023 your best financial year yet! 


Depending on where you are located in the world may affect how much of a priority EOFY is for you. Here in Australia, June 30th is the last day of our financial year. Don’t wait for the two weeks before EOFY - get started now, no matter where you are!


Remember, in business you want you to be proactive rather than reactive! 


So, what do you need to get ready for EOFY? Caralee dives into the importance of the below: 

1. Contact your Accountant & look at your figures! 

You need to plan; we have six weeks until EOFY - Think, what invoices do you have coming in? What will you be billing? Is everything up to date and reconciled? Have you contributed to Super this year, and if not, can you contribute to your super fund? If you haven’t had this conversation with your accountant - go now! 

2. Plan your goals for the next financial year! 

If you haven’t had time to do your planning or filter your goals for the new financial year, now is your time. Not in July, this needs to be done this side of the year. Stay proactive rather than reactive.  

3. Create a marketing plan that will support your law firm's goals

In order to grow and reach your goals, you must have the proper marketing to support them! Your marketing plan may start small and grow more extensive throughout the year - depending on your goals. 

4. Create a content plan to support organic growth

What will you break down to promote your law firm on social media in the new financial year? You can watch Caralee’s FREE Social Media Workshop to digest precisely how you can plan your social media content. Social media is the best form of organic marketing, so set aside some time to do this workshop. 


If you would love to do an entire planning session with me, now is the time! In the Scalable Business Lounge, we will have a Masterclass in June on exactly how you can get organising and prepare for your 2022-2023 financial year! 


To apply to be a part of the lounge, you can do so by visiting





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